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pour lionel!! le temple que j’ai en façe de moi, c’est le temple de la concorde.. haha! bisous!

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it is time to go
thank you thank you thank you
Efcharisto patmos, efcharisto rocks, you have been amazing and loving companions, efcharisto sea and its riches, efcharisto sky, clouds and the infinite openess, efcharisto Sophia, efcharisto Aspri, efcharisto Petra, efcharisto Theo, efcharisto guidance, efcharisto Robert Lax efcharisto para poli, i can never thank you enough to have brought me here, thank you for showing me some of your world, thank you for being with me, efcharisto luck, efcharisto chance, efcharisto moon, efcharisto Kyriakos, you have a huge heart! Efcharisto Jacovo, efcharisto monastery, efcharisto Caroline, efcharisto Thodoros & Despina, efcharisto Kalymnos, efcharisto boat, efcharisto early morning walks, efcharisto swims that felt like meditation, too, efcharisto Hora, efcharisto pomegranate tree, efcharisto lemons, efcharisto date tree, efcharisto para poli for your wonderful fruit, efcharisto plants and flowers, efcharisto writing, thank you John Berger, efcharisto Despina, efcharisto churches, efcharisto St. Nikolas, efcharisto chants, efcharisto angels, i know you are there!
dear life!!

on this holy island
2011… what a number… sending much love to all you beautiful souls, wherever you may be

let us be l i g h t !!!

i see feet rocks and heart rocks everywhere here… whatever that means…
wishing you all a radiant new year, may guidance, wisdom and love be with you!!

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i cannot get used to how the rocks in central australia and here resemble each other. i am not surprised, but i can hardly believe my eyes sometimes. it feels just like being around stanley chasm, the place i would like to record response in. and it is so funny how similar i feel here than when i was in central australia.. made a fire for the full moon yesterday morning… mmmh!!

so, which one is which…?

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